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Information and Communication Technology


Information and Communication Technology or mostly known as ICT are tools that can be used to support and helps the teaching-learning process in education. Technological tools such as computers, communications facilities and features have been helping us a lot in increasing the quality of education. It makes the teaching activities easier, it saves our time and energy because we can do it wherever we are as long as we have the tools and the network access to the internet.

In the State University of Makassar, we have some ICT tools to do ELF learning and teaching. One of the newest platforms is SYAM-OK. This system allows lecturers to create classes and register the students. The materials also can be uploaded there with the tasks so the students can access it easily. The management of data and assessment also easier to do with the existence of this ICT. Before this SYAM-OK, UNM actually has been using LMS as ICT tools to make the teaching and learning process more effective.

Using ICT in teaching English is a new model that we have to adapt to this era especially as English Education student. ICT is an innovative teaching tool which enhancing ELF learning and teaching. Technology is able to be applied in teaching practices such as by using a computer, internet, mobile phones, video games and music players. Those tools that have provided by ICT are raising motivation and language awareness. The technology also has to provide the teachers with many ways to make teaching materials. ELF teachers only have to choose how they will deliver their materials. There are many facilities and availability, for example, the teachers are able to use more interesting presentation in delivering the materials with the combination of visual and listening materials, text with graphics and pictures. The implementation of ICT into EFL provides flexible and diverse technological tools which are really having a big role in teaching English.

The process of learning ICT is by discovering it first after that we learn how to use it. If we are already able to use it we have to understand to use the tools to reach certain purposes so it can totally help us. The example of ICT tools that we can use is Zoom, Youtube, and a lot of stuff that we can find on the internet.



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